Hello Flower Lovers,

I'm Markesha. I’m a mother, a wife, and the founder and lead designer of Poem of Petals based in Huntsville, Alabama. Before stepping into my floral design career, I spent many years serving and leading as a professional businesswoman and exploring floral design as a creative outlet.

Even then, this dream stirred inside me, and it expanded every time I snipped flowers from my garden to hand deliver to friends, or helped other designers bring together luxury flower arrangements for beautiful events. As I think about it today, creative energy surrounded me; my grandfather was an artist, my grandmother an art collector, and my great-grandparents were avid gardeners, which makes this dream feel very second nature to me. So I nurtured it by investing in learning everything I could about floral design and working alongside other talented designers.

So, why Poem of Petals? Like poetry, flowers, too, can serve as an artful expression of language. When I see beautiful floral designs, I think about the meaning of the flowers, color theory, and the story it conveys. I like to source and grow flowers that are not as easy to come by during a trip to the local supermarket and I love garden inspired and luxury floral décor. For me, petals and blooms are an artful expression; every flower is a verse, and the floral arrangement creates the stanza. The design is the poem. Our team would be honored to help create your poem - a floral design representing your style, vibe, culture, and story. We often say, we create poems - and lasting memories - with petals. I would love to hear your story. 

Yours in floral,

Dear floral enthusiasts,

I’m Kara, an artist with experience in visual storytelling and published work as a journalist, photographer, model, producer, and content manager, which I leverage as marketing director and a designer for Poem of Petals. Flowers are emblematic of many aspects of my life: familial ties, an appreciation of beauty and nature, and beyond. 

“Flowers” is an ancestral name passed down from my maternal side – from women blessed with poise and elegance. It is also one-half of a title and description bestowed by my closest confidantes, “flower child,” because of my connection to and respect for nature. Flowers themselves serve as one of the purest forms of language, a means of conveying visually and culturally impactful and authentic beauty; a vehicle for showcasing timeless craftsmanship, creativity, and meaning – and of change. The phrase ‘in full bloom’ represents not only our flowers and budding business but also my mindset for adaptability and growth, and where Poem of Petals aims to take your vision. 

Yours in floral,